Origins of Homo Economicus On the Person and the Work of the Entrepreneur On the Hospital as a Commons Productivity, Profitability, and Economic Security Transitions Into and Out of Poverty Centering Economic Affairs on Justice and the Person Salary Compression and Inversion Getting the Hard-Core Premises of Economics Right Ethical Decision-Making for Computing Professionals John Paul II's Vision of the Social Economy Person: An Economic Agent for the Electronic Age Celtic Tiger and Traditional Values Financialization Acting Person: Social Capital and Sustainable Development Bill Waters on Schumpeter Work, Consumption, and Leisure The GOOD Company Norms of Sustainable Development Poverty, Hunger, Death, and Disease Profit Maximization and the Subjective Dimension of Work On Justice and Charity Human Development & Maximum Profits Schumpeter & Economic Man Insurance for Wine Grape Growers Freedom & Economic Initiative Need for Self-Expression, Belonging Person, Entrepreneur Third Way Poverty: Absolute and Relative Cooperating Grape-Growers and Wine Makers Job Tenure: How It Relates to Race and Age From Classroom to Workshop: A Hazardous Journey Work Plans of Men Not in the Labor Force (2 of 2) Principle of Subsidiarity Need for Work as Such Remembering Joseph Becker Helping Students with Marketing Ethics Beyond Self-Interest Inter-Firm, Supra-Firm Cooperation Distribution Sensitive Measures of Poverty Military vs. Social Spending Catholic Social Economics Challenges Facing Social Economists Homelessness: Unmet Physical Need Best of the Review of Social Economy Reply to Arnold McKee Personalist Economics is Human Economics Too Big to Fail University Research and Knowledge as an End in Itself The Economic Agent and the Feedback Loop Justice Limits Ill-Gotten Gains Economic Gain and Integral Human Development Homo Socio-Economicus Norms for Evaluating Economic Globalization Income Gap Between Poor Families and Others Personalist Economics Nature of Social Economics Duty of the Firm in Selling to the Poor Toward an Improved Definition of Poverty New Economics for the New Economy Principles of Economic Justice Great Irish Famine Requiem for Homo Economicus Caritas in Veritate Obstacles to Children Developing as Mature Persons Anderson and Escher's MBA OATH Social Justice The Acting Person and Personalist Capital Teaching Ethical Decisionmaking Social Mortgage Caring & Restoration of Social Order Origins of Personalist Economics Does Culture Matter? Attitudes toward Death Ethics, Quality, Productivity Needs, Wants, Resources, Limits Personlist Economics, Law of Nature Stealing, Counterfeiting, Smuggling Wine Marketing Code of Ethics Seven Codes of Ethics Migrants and Refugees Work Experience of the Population America's Less Fortunate: The Long-Duration Unemployed Work Plans of Men Not in the Labor Force (1 of 2) The Industrial Commons & Other Workplace Regimes Manpower Development & Training Act Personalist Economics is Human Economics From Individual to Person Contributions of Jesuits to Economics Economics: A Moral Science University Researcher: Entrepreneur Caring, Justice, and Christian Charity Medical Altruism Personalist Economics: Convictions, Realities, Action Economic Self-Sufficiency Reconstructing Policy Toward the Unemployed Twenty Tenets of a Personalist Economy Origins of the Association for Social Economics Francis and John Paul II on Economic Affairs Homo Economicus: Part Human, Part Machine Sacramental Wine: Fruit of the Earth Individualism, Holism, and Personalism Orality, Literacy, and Economic Agency Schumpeter's Man of Action WILLIAM R. WATERS Entrepreneurship, Dualism, and Causality In Memoriam