DePaul University

Degree: B.A. in Economics (1960)
Minor: Political Science
Honors: Pi Gamma Mu

Saint Louis University

Degree: M.A. in Economics (1964)
Minor: Political Science
Thesis: “A History and Analysis of Provisions Governing the Duration of Benefits Under State
Unemployment Insurance Laws”
Degree: Ph.D. in Economics (1972)
Minor: Political Science
Thesis: “Proposed Criteria of Achievement for Institutional Training Under the Manpower Development and Training Act”
Honors: Graduate Fellowship (1960-1964)



Associate Professor of Economics (1977-2007)

College of Administration and Business
Louisiana Tech University
Teaches the customary full-time schedule of courses in the Department of Economics and Finance. These courses include most often principles of economics and occasionally comparative systems. In spring 1991 taught for seven weeks at the Poznan School of Management in Poland supported by an academic specialist grant from the U.S. Information Agency. In fall 1997 taught for three months at the National University of Ireland-Galway. In summer 1999 taught an intensive two-week course in personalist economics at the University of Verona, and repeated that offering in summer 2000, 2001, and 2002. See “Primary Research Interests” on the Institute’s home page for more information on my research work.

Project Director (1974-1976)

Ohio Health Manpower Linkage System Project
Ohio Department of Health
Served as project director of the Ohio Health Manpower Linkage System Project. Supervised a staff of five health manpower research specialists working for a twenty-five member advisory group representing health interests in Ohio. The project recommended constructive steps toward a decision-making process to generate broad health manpower policy consistent with the State’s health needs. It also identified and assembled data and documents needed for performing health manpower research and planning.

Senior Research Associate (1972-1974)

Center for Human Resource Research
Ohio State University
Shared responsibility with another research associate for adult women’s cohort in National Longitudinal Surveys. Helped code and edit data from 1971 and 1972 surveys. Reviewed computer tape prepared by Census Bureau so that errors could be corrected before tapes were released for analytical purposes. Prepared documentation and indexes that improved access to data files. Helped design telephone questionnaire that was administered in 1974.

Labor Economist (1967-1970)

Bureau of Labor Statistics
In consultation with senior staff of Census Bureau prepared supplementary questions for CPS. Assisted in coding and editing responses to questions and in designing tabulation specifications. Analyzed data and wrote reports for Monthly Labor Review. Evaluated drafts of research under contract to Labor Department and reviewed portions of President’s Manpower Report.

Research Analyst (1964-1967)

Illinois State Employment Service
Compiled and interpreted labor force data for reports covering Illinois counties in St. Louis area. Wrote newsletter on local labor market developments for general public. Prepared reports on availability of workers and prevailing wages in selected occupations. Conducted surveys to determine need for training and reported on progress of persons enrolled in training. Made surveys of persons registered for work. Assisted in preparation of a 1967 skill survey of St. Louis SMSA.